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If you feel I may be able to support you in developing your knowledge and experience in preparing, implementing and managing innovation alliances, I would be very happy to get to know you. In an introductory talk we can explore your needs and jointly assess if my support can be of any value to you.

These are examples of consultancy services, that may be appropriate for you:

  • Advice, for instance for CEOs, innovation managers and their management teams.
  • Lectures to introduce the subject to a broader audience in the organization.
  • Workshops with subject matter introductions and interactive case study sessions, preferably with real life cases prepared by participants.
  • Training or coaching the team that needs to implement the innovation partnership.

Typically these services can add value for all disciplines involved in the partnership, including sales, purchasing, product management, system architects, product development, operations and project management. One of the keys to success is to make the teams with these different disciplines effective. That requires a common understanding of the challenges involved, a common understanding of the roles of the various disciplines and an awareness of the team’s dynamics.

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